The Franciscan Montessori Earth School guides students to compete with courtesy and contribute with respect, spirit, and joy. Through the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Sports Program, FMES offers a variety of sports teams for our students from Kindergarten through Middle School, nurturing children as they grow in friendships, responsibility, and wisdom.
Families are an integral part of the Athletics Program as they are responsible for arranging transportation, which often includes carpools, and coaching FMES student athletes. Coaching is a very rewarding way to volunteer at the school and counts towards Fair Share volunteer hours! If you wish to coach, there are several eligibility requirements:
- Start by contacting one of our Athletic Directors.
- Complete the Code of Ethics Class with the FMES Head of School.
- Complete the FMES Criminal Background Check
- Complete all CYO Coach Registration requirements including A.S.E.P Coaching Essentials, A.L.I.C.E. Training, CYO Criminal Background Check, C.A.S.E. Training, and Concussion Management Training.
Thank you in advance for fulfilling these requirements. We would not be able to provide these athletic opportunities without our wonderful family volunteers!
If you have questions or need more information, please email our Co-Athletic Directors, Isaac or Jenny Brocker or call (541) 844-5939.
The Kristin Ollenbrook Sports Scholarship Memorial Fund
In Loving memory of Kristin Ollenbrook, 1967-2010
The Kristin Ollenbrook Sports Scholarship Memorial Fund was created on October 5, 2010 as an enduring legacy honoring the dedication and enthusiasm lavished on the sports program by Kristin Ollenbrook during her tenure as the Franciscan Montessori Earth School Athletic Director.
The memorial fund grants scholarships to cover athletic related costs for students who would otherwise be unable to participate due to financial hardship. Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship submit requests to our current Athletic Director. The Administration, Athletic Director, and a designated member of the Ollenbrook family consider each request and determine scholarship awards. The management and final disbursement of scholarship funds is the responsibility of the FMES Administration.
The Franciscan Montessori Earth School is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Therefore, gifts to the Kristin Ollenbrook Sports Scholarship Memorial Fund are tax-deductible.
To donate or for more information please contact Melissa McGuire.