Weekly Parent Community Update – April 26 2017

Hello FMES Community,

First of all, a huge thank you to Rachel Arnold for all of her hard work in successfully establishing the role of Volunteer Coordinator. Her contributions to FMES have been invaluable and I’m looking forward to continuing onward in building our wonderful school community! Here are the current volunteer opportunities.


Staff Appreciation Week (May 1-5):  In addition to thanking your child’s Guide and Assistants, we’ve assigned additional FMES Staff members to each classroom (check for an email from your Room Rep). Beginning Monday, May 1, we will have fresh flowers in the staff room and baskets for Staff in the hall near the reception area for homemade art, notes, and small gifts from students. These baskets will be in the hall all week.  Please personally deliver any gifts of gratitude directly to your Guides and Assistants; they will not have a basket. Here is the schedule of the week’s events:

Marvelous Monday: A simple creative day designed to encourage students to give thanks. Please encourage children to bring handwritten notes, flowers, artistic creations, plants, poems, songs, cards, or baked goods to assigned staff members;

Thoughtful Tuesday/Thursday: “freestyle” for class room reps to organize something as a whole if parents/reps choose to. Children are encouraged to continue bring in individual items of appreciation like Marvelous Monday;

Tasty Wednesday: We provide varied food in different categories like salty, savory, sweet brought in for the afternoon staff meeting from about 10-15 different families. Bonus: earn Fair Share hours for sharing a tasty dish with our Staff community. Here is the link to sign up for set-up, clean-up and specific dishes: Staff Appreciation Reception 

Fabulous Friday: Car washes were a hit last year, so we will purchase again in the form of Washman gift cards from the SCRIP program and give one to each staff member.  Friday morning will be the last morning to deliver tokens of appreciation to staff baskets in the hall.

Many thanks to Christina Master, Heather Roney & Marie Callerame for coordinating this wonderful week of gratitude for our staff!

LIBRARY: Lydia would like to invite parents to drop in to help in the Library for about an hour after morning drop off, no advance appointment necessary. The shelves need maintenance and there are lots of new books to jacket.

SCRIP: We are looking for a volunteer (or 2) to pick up SCRIP cards at the SCRIP Service Center, located at the Tigard-Tualitan School District Office, 6960 SW Sandburg St. in Tigard, anytime between 9 am – 5 pm on the 2nd &/or 4th Thursday of the month. The current SCRIP Order Form is attached, please turn in on Mondays.

SPRING E2s:  These events are great ways to earn Fair Share hours and for you to fully immerse yourself in your child’s Montessori education!  I encourage all parents to volunteer to chaperone, drive gear, coordinate food/meals, etc…  Check with your Guide and/or Assistant to see how you can help.

BRIDAL VEIL WORKDAY:  Saturday, May 20th from 9 AM-1 PM. Please RSVP to Sr. Therese: sistertheresegutting@fmes.org


Spring Field Day, June 16th:  This event was a HUGE success last year and will be returning this year for a 2nd go-round! Please join us in planning this event next Tuesday, May 2 at 8:45 in the Gathering Room. We welcome all parents new to Field Day to help with this event, along with current Room Reps and last year’s planning committee. We will establish Team Captains for each classroom, plan t-shirts, activities and more. Let me know if you are interested in being a Captain but are unable to attend the meeting.

Thanks for all you do for our school!


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